Monday, December 1, 2014

lentils and barley

i decided to fix a nice lentil and barley "soup" "stew" tonight. tastes so good. took about an hour and a half to cook. but i just rinsed them really well, added some spices to them a i used 1 cup of the barley /lentil mix to 4 cups water. then i added some carrots that i grew and froze from summer. also added 2 small potatoes cut up. then the spices garlic salt mild chili powder etc. so tasty, even our nephew Nick liked it.
Now nick and i are sitting here discussing tiny homes and living off grid, he is drawing up plans for homes . i think we have a convert but dont tell his mom LOL.

here is to all generations loving living simpler

Sunday, November 30, 2014

dehydrated apples

i had a ton of apples i needed to dehydrate or do something with. so i made two large batches of apple sauce and a 9 tray batch of honey apples chips. so tasty. looking forward to the master preserver program i want to take next year.
I am starting a little blog to put down in writing things that we are learning, dealing with etc.
I am not a writer nor am i always great at putting my words out, but here goes.
we moved to Tooele , UT  August 29th 2014. the first thing we did was start a compost pile on our plot of land. i learned really quickly that it is completely different here than it is in PDX, we had huge plans to dig by hand a Walipini (walipini's are semi underground greenhouses) boy the ground here is hard. so we ditched that idea, and started doing a sheet mulch bed, I have decided to sheet mulch most all my beds now.

We are not living on our plot of land yet, so we travel the 7 miles back and forth to work on it as often as possible.
We have agreed to live in the home we live in until August of 2015 after that we are moving to Stockton , UT where the land is.
well that is it for today